The vehicles are equipped with the most appropriate handling machinery and lifting systems that can optimize paving time and ensure the best safety conditions.
Manufactures made and supplied by Alufer are brought to the installation sites by special vehicles, operated by trained personnel.
L’azienda è in grado di installare autonomamente serramenti, pareti continue o elementi strutturali in acciaio o alluminio.
From transportation to on-site testing, competent professional resources are used, who scrupulously apply safety regulations and employ the most modern machinery specifically dedicated to the installation of steel or aluminum window frames, curtain walls or structural elements.
Tutti i manufatti forniti e messi in opera da Alufer vengono collaudati, una volta installati in cantiere, per confermarne la completa affidabilità, strutturale e funzionale.
consisting of a team of specialists who are ready to take in the client’s needs and provide both the technical advice needed because of the project, as well as the best application solutions. This proactivity also makes use of the network of qualified collaborations that Alufer has consolidated over time, relationships with research centers of the most important suppliers of technologies in the window and door industry, particularly with regard to profiles and other technical elements that actively participate in determining the thermal-acoustic and insulation quality of the manufactured product.
Alufer offers itself to the designer as an experienced and collaborative partner, specializing in window frames and in other structural elements achieved in steel, aluminum e stainless.
Consulting activities enable the designer to learn about developments in technical-application research in the field, obtain valuable guidance in defining specifications and quotations, and know how to optimize structures and compositional forms to achieve the highest functional levels.

Specialists Alufer can participate directly in project definition, providing targeted or comprehensive support regarding window frames, curtain walls, structural elements at steel o aluminum, or to realize important carpentry. Staff members are able to meet the demands of the DL (construction management) For the necessary permits for access to the construction site.
Technicians Alufer coordinate and personally manage the installation works of their own artifacts, taking responsibility for the specific stages of the work. From transportation to final acceptance, competent professional resources are used, safety regulations are scrupulously enforced, and the most modern machinery specifically dedicated to the type of work being handled by shipbuilding workers is employed Alufer .